Workplace of Convenience enchants a Production Skill workshop (Forge, Laboratory, etc) and provides a number of potential benefits. The initial benefit is chosen from the following list and any number of additional benefits (including ones already chosen, when applicable) may be chosen for a cumulative 5 additional difficulty and 3 additional reagents.
Benefit Options: \nPortable- the Workplace may be used in any in-game location in the chapter the Ritual is cast. \nLight-Etched- the Workplace may transfer between chapters based on its transferability (note that this does not grant the “Portable” option within the primary chapter). \nAdditional User: an additional user may benefit from the Workplace per logistics period (may be chosen up to 3 times)\nAdditional Skill: the Workplace functions as a production Skill workshop for an additional production Skill chosen at Ritual casting (may be chosen up to 4 times) \nCannibal: The user may substitute the coin cost of a production item with the following any production item at cost, Reagent: 50 coppers, Ritual Scroll: 200 coppers, Catalyst: 500 coppers. Change will not be given, but the cost may be spread among multiple batches. LCO Reagents, Ritual Scrolls, and Catalysts may not be used for Cannibal
Note: Consult with local Plot Team about local expectations about Workshop locations.